Friday, January 25, 2008

The happiest pizza ever! Discoveries about superheroes!

I learned yesterday that Batgirl was a librarian--saving Gotham City by night, AND by day. The ALA store has a Batgirl poster which I want to buy for every librarian I know.

Last night I made homemade pizza. I made the dough from scratch using unbleached flour (and some whole wheat flour!) I used organic, free-range, grain-fed turkey sausage as the meat! I put zucchini on it! It was crazy. And actually pretty good, everything considered. I'm eating leftovers RIGHT NOW.

This weekend I will get my paladin to L64. LAUGHING TIME IS OVER. I need to stop my tomfoolery (heh. that's a funny word) and catch up to my guildies, before they decide I'm the weakest link and vote me off the island. I made an Excel spreadsheet calculating how much playing time it will take to get her to L70--around 75 hours, give or take. I figure I can do it in ten weeks, since I have to do other stuff too, like go to work and sleep at night.

I was just SO NERDY right now, and for the previous 25 years.

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