Sunday, December 30, 2007

File under: projects

I already have a large number of those ubiquitous plywood drawer units from IKEA to keep my craft supplies (mostly) sorted on my desktop, and they're serving their purpose well, although they're pretty much at capacity. However, I'm thinking that with the addition of these classy looking brass frame pulls from Lee Valley, you could make those same boxes resemble little card catalogue drawers. To a woman with a drill, everything looks like a potential library furniture item. Or so I've heard said. Perhaps this project will be my new year's resolution. (I like to make my new year's resolutions easily achieveable, or not at all. It keeps me honest.) (Also: I love Lee Valley. It's weird. I almost never buy things there, as I am not a gardener or a woodworker or anyone's grandpa, but going there reminds me of my dad and his enthusiasm for small, obscure, well-made items. Plus, obviously, they have things like drawer pulls and clock hardware kits that periodically come in handy for the weird things I like to make.)

On another note, my computer is so sick now that Firefox can't even keep up with my typing. I am getting a little seasick as I write this. This week I hope to back up all my files onto the external hard drive James and I bought (we like to call it "Our Love Hard Drive," because like everything we purchase together it represents our love, and unlike our crappy Love Barbeque, it represents that love well) and wipe the Compy. Reinstall everything! If this doesn't work, well, then I may have to cut a hole out of a cardboard shoebox and insert a series of colourful cards behind the hole. I will call each of these cards a "window," and some of them will say things like, "E-mail!" or "THE INTERNET" or "Warcraft." The "Warcraft" one will have a little picture of my paladin, drawn in crayon.

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