Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Is it just me, or should ineptness and inaptitude just be combined into one word? I mean, what do we need both of them for?

I'm having a monumentally disastrous day. It was just disastrous when I got beef and broccoli for lunch and (possibly) made my work supervisor cry. Then I discovered I had inadvertently melted an ice cube tray on top of--and into, really--my oven. Then it was upgraded to monumentally disastrous. That's where we are now. I'm hoping that on my way to the SugarBowl tonight I can cause a schoolbus full of orphans to crash. Or step on the last of some endangered frog species.

If anyone thinks I'm great, I could stand to hear it right now.

Edited to add: I was going to make homemade pizza crust on Thursday night, and the pizza and bread book I got from the library has the PIZZA CRUST RECIPT PAGE RIPPED OUT. See ineptness and disastrous, above.


alea said...

damn library thieves, ruining your life in minor ways.

I think you're great, but then I also am feeling a bit of the loser today, so my opinion doesn't really matter.

Unknown said...


I`m not sure how I happened across your journal, but about five years ago I ran across your list of quotes to use while canoeing with people from Switzerland. As one of my English-teaching coworkers here in Japan is a bear who speaks French and really likes camping in frigid weather (the application requirements could probably be a little more stringent), some of them have proved very useful. Thank you for aiding international exchange. (I google-searched for one of the quotes today to make sure I was saying it right, that`s why I`m here again.)

So, you rock.

/And/ this is only the second most random comment you will get this week. Take care.

-- Kirra

Unknown said...

...Kirra being my handle, Reed being the name Google wants to call me? Sorry `bout that.