Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Status update: Jocelyn is updating her blog.

I switched from google calendar to 30boxes, and boy is it fun! It lets me do everything I wanted my online calendar to do, ie., make different types of events different colours. And it syncs with facebook! It keeps trying to get me to add buddies, though, which puzzles me. Why would anyone else want to know that I have a digital archives/copyright meeting tomorrow at 2?

Last night was crazy. We have had extreme, 30 degree-plus heat here for the past week or so, and last night it broke in a spectacular storm. In the two blocks between the LRT station and my apartment building, I got soaked to the skin (literally), everything in my bag got wet, and there were hailstones the size of the eraser on the end of a pencil caught in my hair. It was pretty hilarious, actually. Confronted with weather like that, what can you do but just walk serenely through it? I came home and immediately hung up all my clothes in the shower.

Yesterday's Cat and Girl was hilarious.

Art of the business card photoset on flickr. As a crafty librarian, I think my business cards should look like card catalogue cards... something to ponder.

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