Friday, August 17, 2007

Policy-makers and heart-breakers

Guy in library: What's your policy on food and drink?
Jocelyn: It's OK, but don't spill it on anything.

Wouldn't that make an awesome, actual policy? We could put it on the website, and on posters in the library itself. "Food and Drink at the U of A Library: It's OK, but don't spill it on anything."

I don't really update my blog on Fridays anymore. Well, I mean, I did last Friday, and maybe I will next Friday, and technically I am right now. But other than that I generally don't, because it's boring.

I was supposed to do laundry last night, but I didn't--I suddenly got lazy about it. I watched Addams Family Values and Lost instead. And YET, in a feat of fashion, I managed to wear a sort of OK outfit today. It's a Christmas miracle!

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