Thursday, August 23, 2007

How I prepared for my job interview

So, apparently one of the new trendy job-interview questions is, "How did you prepare for this interview?" This afternoon, if I am asked this, I shall have a response ready.

  1. I reviewed the structure of MESH
  2. I looked at the two biggest medical databases, MEDLINE and PubMed, and practiced searching in them
  3. I read some articles about evidence-based medicine and the future of health sciences librarianship
  4. I went to the websites of the Canadian and American Medical Librarian Associations and reviewed their codes of ethics, mission statements, etc.
  5. I watched the Fraggle Rock episode "The 30 Minute Work Week," in which Wembley considers his employment options, and the Fraggles sing a song about work. I hummed the work song along with the Fraggles, and thought positive thoughts about my professional future.
Wake up in the morning, get yourself to work.
Fraggles never fool around, Fraggles never shirk.
Your duty's always waiting, and duty must be done.
There's Ping-Pong games that must be played,
And songs that must be sung.
I may even hum this song for the interviewers, if they're friendly.

In other news, I have developed an eye twitch, which Dr. Google informs me is usually not serious and is brought on by stress and lack of sleep. Sounds about right.

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