May I suggest you buy this - VD edition.
This year, my valentine's day involvement, such as it is, will consist primarily of referring to "Valentine's day" as "VD." I find this so amusing, I'm surprised I didn't think of it a long time ago. I don't really care about VD, but I do care about Etsy, and buying things on the Internets. Therefore, what amounts to a special "viscera" edition of MISYBT: heartfelt felt heart : $18 from catherinette
i anatomical heart you cards [set of 4] : $6 from pish posh paperworks
my beating heart shirt : $20 from various & sundry
heart on your finger ring : $56 from ehme glass
and my personal favourite is this heart of hearts necklace : $32 from nanopod
I'm not sure where this obsession comes from. I think I like the romantic notion of valentine's hearts (like this super-cute set of vintage valentines on flickr) juxtaposed with the goriness of actual, blood-dripping hearts. How did we manage to separate the idea of "heart" into the twin concepts of the organ that circulates blood and the part of our selves that has the capacity to love? To solve that mystery is my VD wish.
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