Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pictorial update on recent craft madness. All of this was accomplished in 48 hours.

craftmadness 001
The recycled jean messenger bag I made for my sister's birthday, only 6 months late. Go me. It also has a matching MP3 player cozy (complete with patch), because I am a dork. It also has a zippered pocket in the strap for lip balm, because a girl should never be more than 2 feet from her lip balm. And another zippered pocket in the flap, for pirate booty; because a girl should no sooner be more than 3 feet from her booty.

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My first experiment with bleach stenciling. I got impatient and applied too much bleach, and as a result the fabric kind of came apart in a couple of small places. I will have to patch it up a bit with my sewing machine. Still, a worthy effort. And the emo stars remind me of the 80s, in an awesome way. Now that I have figured out how to do this, nothing can stop me from bleaching EVERYTHING. Futon, slippers, fridge, concrete floor of my balcony: you've been warned.

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A shirt (which I bought), screenprinted with some screens I already had. It's wrinkly because it got to go on a trip! (This plain white shirt came from Wal-Mart for $4. The hoodie in the picture above came from Superstore for $14. I'm all about the cheap, craftable shirts. You can't really go wrong with 100% cotton.) Actually, this shirt was not finished in the past 48 hours as I dishonestly claimed. It was finished on Friday.

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A mysterious package. I am not saying what it is, but I want credit for finishing it, nonetheless.

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Fun bonus picture: my living room as it looks at this moment. I like to sit on the floor, with my DVD remote, and have everything I need within arm's reach. My sewing machine and ironing board (necessary for all of these sewing, bleaching, and printing projects) are in the kitchen, set up on the table, which I never eat on because that would never happen. Heh. The Flickr version of this photo has explanations of what everything is, if you're the sort of person who's interested in that sort of thing.

If you want me to make you something, Internets, now's the time to ask. Scarf? iPod cozy? Perhaps a small, knitted beanie of some kind? A handbag? (I won't make any more messenger bags, they take too much work and are only for birthdays.) An 80s shirt? I feel so alone.

Currently listening to: Lily Allen - Friday Night
via FoxyTunes

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