Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Safety first.

Matthew Baldwin, over at Defective Yeti, has come up with an ingenious concept: clone code. The idea, here, is that you have a secret tidbit of information that only you and your close friends and family know. Thus, if James suspects he is not dealing with a real Jocelyn, but rather a clone, he would ask me for my "clone code," and only the real Jocelyn would know. So if it WAS a clone, he could dispatch her apace (and if I know James, this would be accompanied by light sabre noises, but those are optional). In the TV shows I watch, body-switching is actually more of a problem than clones. Fortunately, this little trick makes you switched-body-impersonator proof as well as clone-proof.

Version: CCv1.0

Identity: Jocelyn

Challenge: "What is the magic number that determines whether something is cheap or expensive?"

Response: "5"

-----END CLONE CODE-----

1 comment:

so angry said...

dammit! now the secret code is out... only a CLONE would have done such a thing!